Naver(#1 Korean portal) launched ‘photo-street’ at 28th Dec.
site URL :
I recognized it seems like Amazon local search (related post : I saw Naver photo street.
There is little difference between the two products.
1. Amazon local search
2. Naver photo street
I have a (copyright) question.
– It’s a benchmarking or plagiarism?
– Naver photo-street has any copyright about this model?
인터넷 서비스 전문가.
전자상거래와 마케팅, 디지털 컨텐츠, 앱스토어, 모바일 게임에 20년 간의 경력이 있습니다.
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do you mean patents issue? I think copyright is not problem. But if amazon or the CP of the amazon have the patent about this business model, it must be big issue. Even so, if patent law works the territorial principle and amazon don’t have korean patent, NHN need not worry about that.