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매니저의 역할

  • yoda 

2006년도 성공적이길 바란다.

매니저의 역할은 무엇일까, 어떻게 한해를 보내야 할까를 고민하다가 몇가지 남겨둔다.

  1. Vision and mission
  2. Organization – trust, execution, attitude
  3. Coaching and feedback
  4. Yearly plan – by monthly, by owner, by budget
  5. CSF, KPI – management by owner, management numbers
  6. Management issues of product and service (related yearly plan)
  7. Outsourcing
  8. Decision making with DATA
  9. Clear message up – role and responsibility, in the same level, positive thinking

May the force be with me.

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