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G market, launch G-messenger

Article : G마켓, `G메신저` 서비스 개시
I thinks these daring changes are gmarket’s power to expand market share.
G-market also launched at first RSS service among Korea internet shopping malls.
ps. for foreigners
Gmarekt is the number 1 marketplace in Korea.
Maybe gmarket monthly GMS(gross merchandising sales) is larger than auction(ebay Korea) in Oct, 2005.

관련 글  금주의 짧은 소식 2013-01-13

“G market, launch G-messenger”의 2개의 댓글

  1. hello there. i saw gmarket and i would love to order things from there, but the problem is that i cant read korean. and another is that i live in the US.. i know they do overseas too but i was wondering is u can help me..?

  2. Hello, Mai. Nice to meet you.
    To conculude, G-market already service overseas delievery for most countries. 🙂
    You can get a information about gmarket’s foreign delievery, click this.
    – You can use the google translator. but as I see it Korean to English translated result is not good.
    also you could ask for gmarket some guide by email (shipping@gmarket.co.kr) and by telephone (82-2-6277-6700) and by fax (82-2-3016-5452)
    I wish this comment could help you.
    Here’s the gmarket foreign delievery cost table, click here.
    horizontal line
    1 Region = China, Japan, …
    2 Region = Indonesia, India…
    3 Region = US, Canada, England, France, Germany …
    4 Region = Brazil, Mexico …
    vertical line
    weight (Kg) currency (kr won)

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