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금주의 짧은 소식 2011-04-24

  • yoda 
금주의 짧은 소식 2011-04-24
금주의 짧은 소식 2011-04-24
  • http://where2conf.com/where2011 4월 19일~21일까지 캘리포니아 산타클라라에서 열리는 where 2.0 참가합니다. 국내에서 참석하시는 분 계신지요?
  • http://goo.gl/o5ecE iPad2 국내 예판 KT/SKT 모두 올 23일.
  • NFC 포럼에서 White Paper 들을 발간했네요. NFC에 관심있으신 분은 꼭 받아보시기를 바랍니다. http://www.durl.me/7dxnk
  • http://goo.gl/9I198 페이스북 국내 10위 사이트 등극 + 국내 SNS 사용량 현황
  • http://goo.gl/WeFI2 인포그래픽. 소셜네트워크의 승자와 패자.
  • 유후~ 비지니스 타고 가는 츌장이다! (@ 인천국제공항 (ICN – Incheon International Airport) w/ 27 others) http://4sq.com/h8d04G
  • When you are doing public speaking always have an anecdote for every major point. Watch @tristanwalker to see a master at work.
  • “We use Facebook to schedule, Twitter to coordinate and YouTube to tell the world” – @ushahidi on protests in Egypt
  • STUDY: 50% of Americans use mobile device to assist with shopping @RetailingToday bit.ly/g8VIes
  • Google has just announced “Google Earth Builder” for enterprise mapping in the cloud. Due out in Q3. Details on the blog shortly.
  • Microsoft / Bing announced new site http://ht.ly/4EtC3 for image mash up in proximity
  • maps.ovi.com/3d is pretty amazing, check it out
  • Blaise from Microsoft is always a treat to listen to – Photosynth is crazy awesome – try the new iPhone app
  • Hidden file on iPhone records every location. http://t.co/ntMoXhG
  • Location-based Privacy, and cool sites of the day – Summary of the first day of #where20http://bit.ly/ghgpkm
  • Marketing distinctions: If you’re IN a location = reward loyal customers, in close PROXIMITY to a location = generate new customers
  • 62% of ppl want ability to check availability of products in-store nearby – they should use
  • Ovi maps is used in 211 countries with routing in 100 of them – avg user spends 4hrs/mo using maps spread over 11 sessions
  • My long lost closing line: “Maybe location is the catalyst we need to make data work for us”
  • “People are willing to try a lot of things if you give them a little incentive.” – Mihir Shah, GroupOn
  • @Foursquare signed up 300k merchants by having Mayors come in and say Hi I’m the mayor!
  • Groupon now – change the way people shop locally – bring local commerce online / mobile – from discovery to transaction
  • Watching: Future Location – @Scobleizer interviewing Dennis@dens Crowley http://youtu.be/TpTDGeLiFnc
  • every map is wrong, it’s always a subjective view of the world. a principle of cartography that we shouldn’t forget.
  • Holistic and Virtuous Map Community Platform http://goo.gl/sjZQ6
  • Collaborative Analysishttp://slidesha.re/gKCjSe, videos up at http://vimeo.com/fortiusone
  • fast interactive maps w/out Flash or Google + demo how to do it w/ TileMill http://is.gd/RjCZnY
  • “Querying By Polygon and by Properties (exact match, ranges, ordering)”.
  • “Where the ladies at” has had a surprising amount of airtime at #where20
  • “NFC & RFID on Android” http://bit.ly/hyT5ab
  • build > play > value > critical mass : how to make monetization of waze
  • General rule: 1% create, 10% contribute, 89% consume. @waze turns consumers to contributors w sensors & game mechanics
  • 자고 일어나니 서태지-이지아 이혼소송이 한국 탑뉴스
  • Navteq automatically detects and captures highway signs and text, center lines, manholes, etc with lidar
  • elp, Google Places, Foodspotting & Ditto are hitting the stage at #where20 today to talk about search http://t.co/LYZO6n2
  • Google seems best positioned to figure out the recommendation engine for local based on resources, foot print, and volume
  • “If it’s slow enough to have a progress bar, it’s slow!”
  • “If only Google knew what Google knows.” — Jyri Engestrom, Ditto
  • Don’t worry, be map-py! http://t.co/Nq3KEUD

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