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노르웨이 소녀: stablediffusion

산수유와 개나리가 다 피었는데, 뜬금없이 겨울 생각이 났어요.

professional portrait photograph of a gorgeous Norwegian girl in winter clothing with long wavy blonde hair, sultry flirty look, (freckles), gorgeous symmetrical face, cute natural makeup, wearing elegant warm winter fashion clothing, ((standing outside in snowy city street)), stunning modern urban environment, ultra realistic, concept art, elegant, highly detailed, intricate, sharp focus, depth of field, f/1.8, 85mm, medium shot, mid shot, (((professionally color graded))), bright soft diffused light, (volumetric fog), trending on instagram, hdr 4k, 8k

관련 글  stable diffusion과 multiControlNet을 이용하여 실제 사람의 춤을 애니메이션으로 전환

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